Monday morning and I got the chance to visit my mate Dan who is currently undergoing chemo. So not the best circumstances, but he is bearing up really well. Main issue after the initial nastiness of a chemo session is that he gets tired quickly. So we went for a walk in Totteridge Valley near where he lives. He has rekindled an interest in bird watching so off we went in search of something interesting. Of course inevitably when you take someone all the interesting birds disappear.. We did see some lapwing in a field at a distance which quite challenged my binoculars. But just as we got back we came across a Dunnock on the path. Quite pleased with that as I had never knowingly seen a Dunnock before. I say knowingly because as Dan pointed out, its a small brown bird which can easily be dismissed as just another small brown bird. (the pink legs are apparently the giveaway.)
So, no photos of birds, but I did snap a woodland butterfly. This is a Speckled Wood. Quite pleased with this.
This landmark was pointed out to me by Dan. It's Mike Ashley's mansion.
The walk takes in Darlands Lake.
Ok not exactly Ullswater, but a pleasant enough diversion, although sadly devoid of all but the most commonplace of birds. Below Mallard (with head obscured by perfectly placed out of focus leaf!) with moorhen in the top right, sitting on a branch rather than in the water. Not going to get wildlife photographer of the year with that one.