Thursday 23 May 2024

Chelsea Flower Show

So today I went to the Chelsea Flower Show. So I hope you aren't expecting anything but lots of pictures of flowers. Because that is what you are going to get.

I might say that what follows is not a fair representation of the place. If one just aimed a camera at random, what you would see is the tide of humanity, specifically pensioner humanity. In floods. Frankly they let in far too many people to make it a relaxed experience. To see any of the show gardens you have to await the scrum of OAPs in front of you to depart one by one to get a clear glance of the gardens. Also the exhibits are usually far smaller than you would imagine, in order to make room for the masses.

And surrounding everything is a vast array of stalls selling things which often have the most tenuous connection to gardens - floral dresses, panama hats, things made out of bark....

But of course there are amazing plants.....

Chelsea Hospital itself

This may not look much in the photo, but was just the most practical garden for a small courtyard/backyard - tumbling water at the back, double seats at either side, small trees surrounding for shade

This place did some extraordinary bird sculptures out of bark from some tree in the Philippines 

This was was one of the nicest gardens, conceived as a Roman villa courtyard, but with enormous queues for the privilege of shuffling around it, so no photo would do it justice!

We then moved inside into the pavilion, which really means a move from gardens and knick knacks to full on flower, Some truly amazing blooms. We started with a little group up for new flower of the year. This is a new hydrangea which knocks spots off my standard blue one.

And this is a very dramatic begonia.

And a lovely white clematis

These may look like deformed tulips, but are actually orchids

Finally an amazing display from South Africa

Oh and this stall which displayed vegetables in frames as if still life paintings. Very cool.


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