Sunday 8 September 2024


Up in Edinburgh to see the Fringe and an all day music festival (see previous post) plus spend some time with my mate and his family. So I managed to do 6 shows on the Friday (all comedy), three on Thursday including a brilliant Ukrainian physical theatre group and Simon Evans doing a lecture on 18th century philosophers Adam Smith and David Hume plus some circus, and watching nine year old Leo doing rugby practice on one of the most windswept places on Earth (for this is a Scottish summer) and a couple of circus shows with the kids.

But I didn't take photos of all that lot as mostly either not very photogenic or rather rude to do so. So instead here is a rather unrepresentative view of what I did, mostly taken in transit between one show and another. I seemed to have pick performances that meant I had to crisscross the city to the maximum extent.

Anyway, randomly, here is some of Edinburgh.

I did also pop into the Scottish National Gallery on the Friday (otherwise I might have managed seven shows!). The photo below is rather neat since it is a painting of the gallery as it was in the 19th century, only a few metres away from the same spot where the painting is now to the left.


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