Tuesday 20 December 2011


Ok, what have I just seen? Really no idea. At the pre-performance drinks party (one of whose attendees was Alan Yentob, so a pretty arty party)  one woman said I would "find it weird, but not weird weird". Well I suspect there is a fine line between "weird weird" and mere "weird". And I felt this crossed into the "weird weird". I guess its a pretty subjective concept.

Ok, here goes, I will try and convey something. This falls into the genre of physical theatre. At the Queen Elizabeth Hall  on the South Bank. So there was dance (mostly of the ballet type) and slapstick, and illusions, and a bit of sort of puppetry, and clever visual tricks, and a lot of dressing up. But no narrative (or speech) that I could detect. It wasn't boring, but I did spend the latter part of it hoping someone would tell us when it ended because there would be no way of telling. It just stopped.

Really the only word for it was surreal. And I had rather thought surrealism had disappeared as a fashionable art form some time between the wars. Very well done, and very clever, the three main protagonists - two blokes and a girl - were clearly very talented in their movements - think Nureyev crossed with Charlie Chaplin. And its all original - at one point there was a beast created out of a ladder and copious quantities of bubble wrap. Yes, you had to be there. I was, but still not sure what it was all about.

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