Saturday 5 April 2014


Second consecutive night at the theatre, but this time in the tiny downstairs theatre at Hampstead, For the princely sum of £6.66 we saw this neat little production.

It features a menage a trois, opening with a scene between two brothers, who it transpires are both having affairs with the same girl. The older brother's one is open and he is the one who is to marry the flirtatious femme fatale, but the younger one is her real passion. Older brother becomes a successful writer, the younger, Japes, an alcoholic. Add into the mix a degree of guilt (Japes has a limp from a childhood accident caused by his older brother Michael) and an appalling brattish child (of which brother no one knows) and its actually a very engrossing little drama, even if one didn't come away feeling totally satisfied by it.

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