Saturday 23 April 2011

Easter off crutches

You know you can forget how to walk. Felt very strange taking off the cast and actually walking. Well hobbling would be a better description. But I am getting about. Planted some bedding plants in the garden, made my first trip around a supermarket and even done my first bout of ironing for two months. No I wouldn't say simple pleasures but some relief to get back close to normality.

But at least its farewell to the tyranny of my air cast, and my hands can try and recover from the bashing they have taken over the last 2 months trying to bear all my weight.

But the disappointing thing is not being able to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather over Easter. While I can get out, walking is too much of an effort to enjoy the experience. So I am rather limited to the garden, which is at least doing quite nicely. And everyone I know has taken advantage of all the Bank Holidays to go away.  So a quiet Easter. Can't quite summon up the energy to go and see the Saw Doctors tonight.

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