Saturday 24 March 2012

Edinburgh Castle

Saturday morning, the sun was shining and the wedding not until 4pm (with a 3pm rendezvous in the pub across the road) so I decided to climb up to Edinburgh Castle, which I suspect I haven't visited for 40 years. So this involved climbing up through the gardens, with great views ahead and behind one.

At the top there is an esplanade to mill around (and look at the views) before heading into the castle itself, suitably skirted with memorials and statuary.

Then into the castle itself through impressive gateway and, well, all the canons, views and hotchpotch of fortifications one might expect. Definitely better for the fine spring day. Again, very dark grey buildings which might have developed into grim if it had been raining.

The main courtyard includes King James' apartments, the great hall, complete with decoratively arranged armoury, and the Scottish Crown Jewels (which you could put in a single box (indeed in the 18th century they did)) - sorry no photos allowed.

Then on up to the top, more canons, more views

The castle also houses, largely in the former hospital buildings, the Scottish National Army Museum. Lots of regimental silver isn't too exciting, but there were many interesting bits too. The series of recruiting posters over the years made the army seem largely a sports organisation. Managed to leave out the nasty killing bit for smiling young men playing football. And the exhibit with a Polish officers uniform was especially interesting to me personally. My dad was in the parachute regiment based in Scotland - how he met my mum and eventually leading to me.

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