Saturday 18 April 2020

A month of lockdown

I haven't been outside my front gate for a month now. This should be awful, but frankly it is not. Clearly not desirable and yes I am very pissed off at all the activities I would be doing, the holidays, walks, gigs, meetings with friends. But have to be realistic. Compared to most I am fine. Have plenty of friends to message, a large house and a garden.

My mate Thibault has even persuaded me to get onto a proper exercise regime, on top of my morning stint on the cross-trainer. So I  find myself apparently doing things like stretching my adductors, whatever they are. Do I even have them? Are they optional extras like go faster stripes or leather trim, that I might not have signed up for? Something else "Targets principally my gastrocnemius", which even my spell check sensibly wants to amend to "gastronomic". As for strengthening my core, well sorry I am a fat middle-aged guy. Of course I don't have a core. I just have a squidgy middle. 

And of course I have the benefits of my garden. Fresh air and something to look after. Early days but starting to flower.

My first clematis to bloom

Geum just getting going

First geranium
But what I am most looking forward to is my wisteria, which is just starting to bloom. In a few days I think it will be spectacular. Limits of my horizon at the moment.

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