Saturday 22 February 2014

Around Tissamaharama

After our bird walk, a stop off at a lovely hotel, and then some Buddhism.

 This was the finest of three Buddhist temples we visited. These Dagabas are solid, so there is no "inside" as it were. It is surrounded by a water-lily moat, and inside that a wall with a recurring pattern of brick elephants. However, visiting it is an ordeal worthy of a S&M parlour. You see, you have to remove shoes. Then you walk across an iron grill which by now is red-hot having been in the sun. And then you cross gravel before you can get to the pavements, also by now baking hot. Maybe that is why there was no one visiting bar us. And indeed only two of our party made it, one being me. I have experience of these things and know that the secret is to wear socks. It may be a fashion faux pas with sandals, but its far better than trying to walk around in bare feet.

 Lunch stop hotel, another nice pool, and this one had a duck pond, well a geese pond

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