Saturday 20 September 2014

A non-punting party

What a nice invitation. To go punting at the end of August back in Oxford with some of my University friends and their teenage children. A nice reunion, one family coming down from Stratford, another from Bath and me from London.

Perfect weather too. What could go wrong?

Late running engineering works is what could go wrong. No trains beyond Reading. My 9am train from Paddington left only a little late, but that was because it had been cancelled and magically rechristened the 10 am from Paddington. By that time I had, acting on advice, got on and off the train three times, once because the driver pointed out that the train on the next platform, while due to leave after us when we were the 9 am, was due ahead of us now we had become the 10 am. But having got on that one, its driver advised that it too was being cancelled but that we had to get off it and now crowd back into the first train.

Things didn't get any better at Reading on the connection to Oxford. Announcement and indicator board both declared the train on platform 8 was for Oxford. But a sharp eyed young man in front of me noticed the doors said it was Bournemouth bound. The doors were right.

Well I no doubt amused my punting companions by regular texts informing them of my lack of progress while they punted down the river. As it was, with the aid of a taxi, I got to the Victoria Arms in time for lunch with them, even if the punting was right off. However, lunch, and afternoon drinks out on the lawn, were all super. Great to catch up with them all. The younger girls look very much young women now, and Ben after a year at Exeter university seems a changed man. And at least I didn't have wet sleeves. But I would have liked to do a little punting...

Victoria Arms from the river

A cosy table awaiting the rest of the crew from punting

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