Sunday 14 August 2016

Amsterdam canal tour

One of the things you kind of have to do in Amsterdam is get on one of the numerous canal cruising boats and get an hour's guided tour of the canals. Unfortunately the number of these that now operate is such that its close to a canal traffic jam. I tried to beat that by going early in the morning before the package tourists. Unfortunately I also got a miserably grey morning.

And I also rued my fellow travellers as they included a party of Spanish girls who, as the recorded tour wasn't translated into Spanish, happily chatted very loudly over it. Plus a couple of grandparents with small and very chattery kids, it all meant that I didn't get a lot out of the commentary. So overall you may surmise this wasn't the most enjoyable of trips. All I really got out of it were some canal photos from a slightly lower angle than if I was just walking about.

 One oif the things Amsterdam is renowned for is its "dancing houses." These are basically houses that have just swayed away from each other due to subsidence. Like these ones.

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