Monday 10 July 2017


Kamloops has a bit of history as centre for fur trading, so it has some Victorian buildings to mooch around. There is even a trail of historic buildings to follow which I did, in part. I even took in the Kamloops Museum. Unfortunately one floor was closed, leaving only the kids museum below and an exhibition of photos of early 20th century bungalows. Yes, that was every bit as interesting as it sounds. Not at all. 

St Andrews Church - pretty enough

The Old Courthouse

An old cigar factory - now a shop.

 A bank, now the Brownstone Restaurant where we were to have dinner.

But the best part of Kamloops is the sprawling park by the North Thompson River.

 And the star residents of the park are the marmots

 Its the river which really makes the park stand out. You don't get these views in Hyde Park

 The Japanese Garden is a nice feature

 And there is a whacky water feature for kids.

And after Thibault's karate session and my sightseeing, we met up for dinner in the Brownstone restaurant. Fine dining in a nice restaurant. Slightly indifferent food though to be honest.

And as the restaurant is by the park, we took an evening stroll there.

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