Saturday 9 May 2020

Friends in a time of lockdown

So, another week rolls by. I maintain what I have said so far. What makes this all so tolerable is having friends to stay in touch with. And good friends at that. I can spend much of a day just messaging folk. Just banter. Light-hearted for the most part.

But nothing like real people. I had another afternoon tea with my neighbours through the garden fence. Which is just so nice.

And then I got a visit this afternoon from Andy and Bish, my main gig buddies. All above board. They were out on their exercise - a bike ride through North London (which turned out hillier than they anticipated; I don't think the Alps are next on their agenda) - and stopped by. I had offered a lunch break in my back garden and was trying to work out how to minimise risk. I wasn't sure it was wise of me. Then they messaged back to say that on reflection they didn't want to take the risk of giving this to me. So we settled on a chat at distance from my front door.

Honestly, first I was touched that they were so concerned at my safety. (I was going on the basis that if I treated them like lepers at all times and kept them two metres away I should be ok...). But also I just so much enjoyed the guys' company for a while. There is of course a good reason why the three of us are friends. We do get on. But it is difficult to explain just how enjoyable a short chat with them really was. Just a good laugh with real people. And really nice people at that. They probably don't understand how much I appreciate them.

Think this photo of them would make a good album cover if they were ever to give up law for a career in indie. But perhaps photoshop out the bins!


 Other than that just a case of watching my garden grow. Or bloom. 

Note the snail to the left attracted by my petunias. Slug pellets out n force


Newly acquired Bacopa


Now filled my stone urn 


Agapanthus out



The irony of this laburnum is that although it is planted in my garden, it has actually taking to flower in the garden behind!

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