Monday 4 May 2020

Unexpected side affects of lock down

Every cloud has a silver lining they say. Or perhaps a better adage is "It's an ill wind that blows no good." No one is going to admit they are enjoying this pandemic, but that doesn't mean there are not some good things coming out of it. I will ignore for the moment all the big ones - the camaraderie, the reduction in pollution, the opportunity to find new ways of doing things. And focus instead on my own little world. Indeed my much tinier world than normal.

Well for one thing, its only the beginning of May and I have a fine suntan, none of which is the result of any sunburn. Here is my wrist showing tan line around my watch. As those who know me will testify, this doesn't happen to me. I turn the colour of an irradiated lobster while all around me look shades of warm mahogany. But then I usually just go abroad, rather than just gradually tan from sitting in the back garden.

And even more unlikely, and quite counter intuitive or at least counter to what everyone else says, I seem to be losing weight rather than putting on the pounds. This isn't part of any internet driven diet.And I hadn't honestly noticed, although Elaine did once say I looked slimmer when delivering my food parcel, which I just dismissed as her trying to be nice.

But then the other morning I was just getting dressed and found myself reaching for a further hole in my belt, and there wasn't one. And looking down I could see the worn holes in my belt from where I used to saddle up so to speak. So the waistline seems to be receding faster than my hairline.

I did send the above photo to a mate of mine who said he was relieved I was losing weight as he feared it was a prelude to a dick pic! (No, that really wouldn't be me!)

So, it transpires that I am both a social drinker and eater, not an alcoholic or comfort eater. Without people to drink with I have no interest in drinking. I always knew this in the sense that I never drank on my own at home, but then I was always going out and drinking. But since lockdown my alcohol consumption has fallen off a cliff. I will still have a beer or a glass of wine occasionally when doing a call with friends, but what I could easily drink in a week has now lasted me more than six. And when I am just cooking for myself, well I am just not so keen. So tend to just have a snack and then one proper evening meal. Which, alongside doing some exercises seems to be having an effect. There you go. Who needs expensive diet books or dvds? Eat less and do some exercise.

And I have been in touch with more folk than I normally would. I do some video calls, but I message people all over the place. And you can message more people for longer than you can meet. Cut out the travel time. And the expense of drinking. And you can message entirely different people and carry on conversations simultaneously on disparate subjects. Well as simultaneously as possible given my poor keyboard skills.

I am also missing out on the shopping, which if you dislike shopping is very much a pro not a con. Especially "modern" ie lockdown shopping. I may not be going out but get reports from my own correspondents. This is what going to Sainsbury's now looks like.  A very specialised form of queuing.

I have come to value having fresh flowers. Just the pleasure of seeing them every day in my hallway.

Then there is my garden. Blooming now all over the place.

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