Monday 22 February 2016

Paul Sinha at SohoTheatre

I took two friends to see Paul at the Soho theatre for a show entitled Postcards from the Z-list. Now I had seen him do stand off before and thought he wasn't at all bad. What none of us had realised, and what was the subject of the show, was that he does an ITV tea-time quiz show called the Chase. So he was basically explaining what it was like being a minor celebrity to three people who didn't realise what he was a minor celebrity for.

But what he is is a quite erudite man. A former doctor who gave that career up for comedy, he isn't a gag a minute merchant, but the hour of his performance never dragged. I f you weren't laughing you were at least entirely engaged in his stories. He does come across as an interesting person, Gay, non-camp, Asian, beer-drinking sports fan he doesn't fit a stereotype. We enjoyed it all, from being recognised by a teenager on the bus as the bloke from the Chase, to being "de-recognised", "No that bloke is much fatter than him" to his best gag in my view, that having broken up with his boyfriend he then moved on with his life and downloaded that app that allows you to meet other single, middle-aged Asian men - Uber.

Definitely worth seeing. Another good comic you won't have heard of that you can see in a small venue for under £20.

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