Saturday 27 February 2016

Welcome Home Captain Fox

With the Donmar Warehouse's £10 front row tickets (if you are quick enough) we got to see this excellent entertainment. the play is set in the States in the early Fifties. US marine with total amnesia has returned home having been released from an East German sanatorium. he can remember nothing of his pre-War life.

A social climbing yankee woman takes on finding his real home as a natural successor to her previous charitable work in finding homes for orphan dogs. Her wise-cracking rich but elderly husband suffers her antics because he enjoys what he euphemistically describes as "putting out the trash", although putting out would suffice. Anyway, our do gooder comes up with a list of families who came from an area which matched the soldier's accent and who had lost a son in the war, missing in action.

The first family on her list was chosen because they had the best breeding and her best chance of social advancement. the good news is she struck gold first time; this family is his. The bad news is they are not at all the family he would like, and the original Jack Fox was the not the guy our amnesiac dreamed of being. Having found his true identity all he wants to do is get away from it.
This was a beautifully acted amusing piece of theatre. Perhaps a trifle over long, but nevertheless with enough jokes and twists to make it well worthwhile. Honours go to Katherine Kingsley with a wonderful over-the-top portrayal of Marcee Dupot-Defort, the society seeking wife, still riled at having been taken for the hat girl at a restaurant.

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