Tuesday 26 September 2017


My friends in Cheshire invited me up to see this sculpture exhibition called Ark at the Chester cathedral. It was surprisingly high quality, which I say not to be snooty but because it was free (although one made a donation)

The exhibition mixed well known with lesser known artists, The title "ark" gave a wide range of interpretations as to content, including several abstrat pieces, but it did produce a bias towards animal figures, as can be seen below.

Possibly the most famous (or notorious?) of the exhibited "sculptors", Damien Hurst

Possibly my favourite exhibit

This gorilla was actually sculpted as a commission for Jersey Zoo to commemorate a particularly famous gorilla.

 And another gorilla exhibit, somewhat more crudely sculpted but with an interesting idea - a gorilla looking at it self in a pool.

Even if not keen on the exhibition itself, the cathedral is worth visiting for the architecture alone.

The exhibition continued outside

One of the more dubious sculptures under the theme of Ark

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