Monday 16 November 2020

Autumnal Walk - Pymmes Park

 I ventured out east from my place today, in search of new areas for my long walks. This time I was aiming for Pymmes Park. I tried to take the scenic route there, ie popping in on any green patches along the way. I won't make that mistake again. The detours were definitely not worth the effort. This is rather barren territory. This for example is the very best view I could get of Weir Park. Bleak. Really just somewhere to release the dogs from the leash.

Another patch of land next to a new estate (you couldn't call it a park). Trust me this looks better than it was. That isn't so much a pond as a puddle, and the three shiny globes behind are a token effort at sculpture. Even less than Maggi Hambling's effort in Newington Green, but no doubt a heck of a lot  cheaper. And to be honest, three balls would be no more or less a fitting tribute to feminism in the 18th century than her Wollstonecraft memorial.

I had hoped I could walk along Pymmes Brook to Pymmes Park, but actually this is all the glimpse you could get. Just a crossing over it from busy roads. A lot of careful framing here to avoid graffiti and plastic bottles.

At the end of it, well Pymmes Park is certainly better than the walk there, but effort to reward ratio is unfavourable. Clearly once upon a time it had been nice, and it has certainly had some money spent on it, including creating a wetlands area. But truth to tell my photos flatter it. I suspect the problem is the one thing you can't easily legislate for nor the Council can improve. It is the community it serves. So my photos carefully edit out the floating plastic bottles and cans that litter the waterways.

Yes a rat.

There used to be a grand house here - Pymmes House. But it burned down in 1940. All that is left is the garden. And you can't just walk into it. These photos were taken through iron railings. Guess they fear vandals.

Grey and cold it might have been, but unlike the weekend not subject to torrential rain. But on Sunday I did manage to capture a rainbow in a brief respite from the deluge.

I had a surprise visitor this morning in the garden. A cat who seemed to think it owned the place. Indeed it acted like it expected to be invited in the house!

The garden still has one or two blooms.

And latest delivery offers some lovely lilies for indoors.

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