Thursday 26 November 2020

Autumnal Walks - Broomfield Park

So one result of Lockdown is that I am seeking out every nook and crannie to explore on my walks. Of course if I could get a train or bus somewhere then the world (or at least London zones 1-4) would be my oyster. But as we are supposed to eschew public transport except for necessary journeys I am stuck walking. And to get to anywhere new means a very long walk. And any variations are welcome.

So that has included this little stretch of the New River Path which I have never used in over 30 years of living in the area. It is actually a short cut to my local park. So why is it only now I have used it? Well the catch is that it is only about 300 metres and it starts on a little gate off the North Circular Road, with railway embankment on one side, and ends up in the local library car park. And it is pretty muddy.

But if you ignore all that it is actually surprisingly attractive and tranquil.

Broomfield Park was only really my setting off point for my main aim which was the next park along, Arnos Park. See next entry. 

But it is nice enough (although tediously familiar). But good to see a few flowers still blooming in late November

They have also planted a little "tropical" garden outside the conservatory. Nice to see what you can do with a bit of knowledge and imagination. 

The pools occasionally attract a heron, who was indeed in residence.

Some last vestiges of autumn leaves clinging on...

But saving best autumn photo to last - an oak tree in late afternoon sunlight.


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