Monday 19 February 2018

San Jose - National Theatre

Sadly my last day in Costa Rica. As my flight was late afternoon I had a leisurely morning to wander around, plus d a tour of the National Theatre.

so first up on a nice morning, the weird Plaza de la Cultura. This is the host both to the National Theatre and the museums I visited yesterday, plus some tacky shops. Overall, possibly the least attractive cultural square in the world.That's the 1970s for you.

Side of National Theatre

 The National Theatre is really something else. Was built as a statement of National Pride - you weren't a real Central American state unless you had an opulent opera house for a touring opera company to come to) it is actually rather magnificent. The guided tour was well worth doing.

Ok, the expression is just a little over the top, but it was originally meant for the roof.

 With the theatre as my last sight ticked off I just wandered up through Parque Espana and around before lunch at a very decent Italian restaurant I ha found the night before.

Edifico Metallica, a school now, but its USP is that the exterior is entirely constructed of metal plates shipped from Belgium at the end of the 19th century.

Catedral Metropolitana

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